How to Create an Unbeatable Law School Resume

Are you considering applying to law school? Your resume is a crucial document that showcases your academic achievements, work experience, and skills to the admissions committee. A well-crafted law school resume can make a significant difference in your application, helping you stand out from other candidates. 

Structure of a Law School Resume

When it comes to creating a law school resume, structure is key. A well-organized and easy-to-read resume not only presents your information clearly but also helps admissions committees quickly grasp your qualifications and achievements. The structure of your law school resume should be designed in a way that allows the reader to navigate through your experiences, education, and skills effortlessly. Here are the sections that are typically included in your resume:

  1. Heading and Contact Information

Start your resume with a clear and professional heading. Include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Make sure the information is up-to-date and easily accessible.

  1. Objective or Summary Statement

Include an objective or summary statement right below your contact information. This section should briefly highlight your career goals and what you aim to achieve through pursuing a law degree.

  1. Education Section

In this section, list your educational background in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, degree earned or in progress, major or concentration, and graduation date (or anticipated graduation date). You can also mention any relevant coursework or academic honors.

  1. Work Experience Section

Detail any work experience you have, focusing on roles that are relevant to the legal field or demonstrate transferable skills. Include the name of the organization, your job title, dates of employment, and a concise description of your responsibilities and achievements.

  1. Skills Section

Highlight your skills, both legal and non-legal, in a dedicated section. Include skills such as legal research, writing, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership. If you possess language proficiency or technological skills relevant to the legal profession, include those as well.

  1. Additional Sections

Consider including additional sections to showcase specific accomplishments or involvement in extracurricular activities related to law. This may include publications, honors and awards, professional affiliations, volunteer work, or relevant coursework.

Tips for Writing a Strong Law School Resume

Action Verbs: Your New Best Friend

Language is an extremely potent tool in a law school application. Your goal is to use powerful action verbs that illuminate your experiences, the leadership roles you’ve taken, and the substantial impacts you’ve made in your life. What have you achieved, led, developed or organized? How have these experiences transformed you into the person you are today?

Each entry of your experience section should start with a strong, active verb. Rather than simply stating you “participated in a team researching frogs,” say you “researched and developed a framework for studying frogs.” It’s a slight tweak in language, but it instantly elevates your role from being a mere participant to being a proactive researcher.

Avoid soft words like “worked with”, “participated in”, or “was part of”. Instead, opt for strong and significant words such as “developed”, “led”, “marketed”, or “organized”. This approach allows you to showcase your individual contributions and highlights your strengths.

Your Achievements: The Shining Stars of Your Resume

Your resume should also highlight your major accomplishments. High GPA? That goes on your resume. Scholarship recipient? Definitely include it. Led an academic club during your undergrad? It certainly deserves a mention. Wrote a noteworthy research paper? It has earned its place on your resume. These details can help shape an image of a dedicated, capable, and passionate individual.

Interests: The Sprinkle of Uniqueness

Your law school resume should also encompass your unique personality traits and interests. Admission officers will sift through thousands of resumes and the ones that stand out are often those that reveal something special about the candidate. Maybe you’re a state champion swimmer or an amateur pastry chef. Whatever your unique flavor, make sure to include it in your resume.

Making Your Resume Stand Out

Remember, your resume isn’t just about listing your accomplishments and experiences. It’s about setting you apart as a compelling candidate for law school. These aren’t just lines on a paper; these are stories of your life, your passions, and your achievements.

Crafting a well-structured and compelling law school resume is crucial for your application. By following the formatting guidelines and incorporating our tips, you can create a standout resume that effectively showcases your qualifications, experiences, and skills to the admissions committee. So, there we have it! Remember, you are more than just a law school aspirant. You are a unique individual with a diverse array of experiences. Good luck and go ahead, let your story shine!